Sunday, February 3, 2013

What is current status of Mission to save girl child in India?

In last year during the month of June, July and August, Government of India acted drastically. In Maharashtra, there were raids on Sonography centers and MTP centers. Electronic and paper media was very much busy and active to publish the news related and regarding raids and actions on sonologist and on obstetricians.
Later on various social organizations started organizing open discussion and campaign on ‘save the girl child’. Radios are also not behind in this campaign.
Ultimate result of all this is that majority of population is now aware of the fact that pre-conceptional  selection of foetus is punishable offense.
But is the mentality of male dominant society is started to change is the real question.
Otherwise after some period the silent criminals will again start this inhumane activity.
So the real task even today is counseling the people of all classes and aim should be to motivate them all to join the mission to save girl child.

It has been seen that in last 10 years this mission is behaving in wave pattern. Once it relapses takes some period to reappear again. Instead the need is to activate mission on each and every aspect in a pulse manner on continuous constant level.
This is what one of our advisers of team from Mission save a girl campaign advised to all.