In country like India in which females are humilated and pressurised to sucide for dowery even after few years of marriage...the mission to save the girl child is challenging one.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Mission is not easy
In country like India in which females are humilated and pressurised to sucide for dowery even after few years of marriage...the mission to save the girl child is challenging one.
As all are aware of latest big issue of concerned is decreasing sex ratio in
Population explosion is no more explosion but still it is the issue of concern even today.
Regarding reducing rate of population to control the birthrate is the main important step…and I think in
People in general are aware of the fact and two kids family norm is well accepted by society as such.
Statistics of sex ratio:
Of World - 986:1000
Declining from 972:1000 in 1901 to 933:1000 in 2001
Kerala – 1058 : 1000
Maharastra – 922 : 1000
Harayana – 861:1000
Changing Norm of Two Kids Society…
Killing Female infant...
Time is the solution
start from home

conclusion on Mission save the girl child
To Conclude:
1.To target sonologist or gynecologist and other doctors is okay but the main focus should be people in general.
2.To implement law is okay but main aim should be to change mind set of people in general.