Monday, December 13, 2010

Mission Save the Girl…and its various aspects

Mission is difficult…There are Two Missions…Try to dig out different options and Find some…Some of the Practical Ways…Need is to try all tactics of Missions…And Lead with example.
It includes two Missions
  1. Mission against female infanticide
  2. Mission in favor to save a girl child.
So Mission against female infanticide is a challenge…Mission in favor to save the girl child is not easy…
Two Missions
No need to get confused as I have mentioned a single Mission under two different headings…
I have made it purposely aiming to work under that particular mission.
In first Mission against female infanticides the main task is:
1. to make people aware regarding punishment and laws
2. to make relatives aware regarding punishment and laws
3. to make doctors aware regarding punishment and laws.
In second Mission favoring the girl child the main task is:
1. to motivate the teenager students in campaign by explaining the real fact and likely disaster due to decreasing sex ratio…if not stopped or controlled.
2. to do brain wash of people in general…means all sort of people…educated…uneducated…poor…and rich…all…on the need of nature…or ready to face a big unethical sex issue.
My Observation:
I may be wrong but let me at least talk on my general observation.
My general observation is NGOs are mainly working on first mission that is mission against female infanticides.
Its okay but First mission if not supported by another second mission…simultaneously…the impact will not be easy to digest to society…may lead to some other consequences…
Try to dig out different options:
We are on right track…its okay…but not enough…
It is appeal to all who are in mission to dig out practical and meaningful descent to fight against the satiation aiming to win it as early as possible…
Need is to try all tactics of Missions.
Once we label it as a mission …why not to try all tactics of mission…like
1. be a part of them and then change their psychology…
2. listen to them and then by your skill wash their brains…
3. do not miss a single chance to motive people in general...but by decent way…
4. get them aware of law…but stress should be on the natures need.
5. get entry into their mind and heart and make them to follow you…
6. try the tactic of divide and rule in some cases…but be couscous…it needs experience and different skill...
Some of the Practical Ways:
Let me suggest some practical ways which small non government organization with the help of government health authority can do:
1. Counseling of a mother and father having second female child.
2. Volunteers of particular small NGOs with the help of health authority make a friendship with the newly married family by various means and to explain the mission…
3. Small organization can periodically organize small group discussion type activities with the help of experts so as to involve young population in mission.
4. Government authority is already started keeping tract record of obstetric history…which is one of the effective ways.
5.Welcome the third female child…it’s okay…the one and only female kid’s family is appreciable…but as far as old traditional minded people…why not congratulate on their third female child…you may soon hear the news that the mother has undergone sterilization operation and is happy….

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