Each and every individual…irrespective of age, educational standard or social status must be given this type of health periodically. Such oath should become like self talk like activity for majority of people…then only Mission Save the Girl…will be effective remarkably.
Here is one format of such oath…
I do respect the birth and presence of female.
I will not involve directly or indirectly in the act of female infanticide.
And I also prevent my relatives and friends from doing female infanticide.
I take such oath.
I do respect mother as a God.
In simple Marathi…
स्त्रीच्या जल्माचा व स्त्रीच्या अस्तित्वाचा मी आदर करतो
प्रत्यक्ष किंवा अप्रत्यक्षरित्या स्त्रिभ्रून हत्येमधे माझा सहभाग असणार नाही
तसेच माझे आप्त व मित्र परिवार यांना स्त्रिभ्रून हत्येपासून परावृत्त करेन
अशी मी शपथ घेतो.
मात्रु देवो भव !!!!!
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